Accepted Papers


Accepted Papers





David Dannenberg

Lincoln Connected : A Case Study

Frederic Fovet

Documenting and analyzing the relevance of Universal Design for Learning in developing inclusive provisions for culturally diverse learners in online pedagogy

Chee Ling Thong

Understanding the Impact of ChatGPT in Education: Exploratory Study on Students’ Attitudes, Perception and Ethics

Niharika Singh

Examining students’ behavioural engagement in lecture videos with and without embedded quizzes in an online course.

Naomi Nirupa David

Peopling Technologies educational model: Philosophy, pedagogy, and evaluative framework

Duncan Murray

Exploring Business Students views of the use of generative AI in assignment writing: : An examination of generative AI use through students’ own ethical perspectives

Shannon Rios

AI-powered peer review process: An approach to enhance computer science students’ engagement with code review in industry-based subjects

Nhung Nguyen

Collaborative approach in the programme design and development – A case study in a Postgraduate Certificate in Computer and Information Sciences

Jo-Anne Clark

Enhancing Higher Education with Learning Analytics in the digital age

Sandy Barker

Unlocking Student Success: Harnessing the Power of Simulation-Based Learning in Business Education

Dawn Gilmore

Qualifications, Interpersonal Skills, and Career Pathways: Building a Competency-Based Tool for the Recruitment and Career Development of Learning Designers

Stephanie Wilson

Active and Online: Three Case Studies of Learner Engagement

John Y. H. Bai

Future prospects of artificial intelligence in education: Developing strategic scenarios to engage educators

Maryam Sharifkhani

Sustainable Practices in Education: Virtual Labs

Yu Zhang

Authorship Verification in Software Engineering Education: Forget ChatGPT and Focus on Students’ Academic Writing Profiles

Pennie White

Supporting hybrid engagement through digital learning design

Muhammad Hasibuan

Role of Theory in Analysing the Dynamic of Self-regulated Learning Process Based on Students’ Event Logs Data: A Scoping Review

Stephen Abblitt

How to Build a Learning Designer: Co-Designing a Training Program for/with/as Novice Learning Designers

Ana Hibert

Dialogic feedback in online teaching: implications for teacher education

Lalitha Jonnavithula

Mentoring as Complementary Support for Learner Engagement: Student Perspectives on Onboarding Interventions

Kathryn MacCallum

Identifying the Components of Foundational Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy – Early Results from a Delphi Study

Miguel Canizares

Towards meaning-making with interactive visualisations

Himasha Gunasekara

Promoting teacherpreneurship in creative education through Instagram.

Linda Corrin

Unveiling the potential of Digital Twin technology for Higher Education



Ruowei Chen

Parental perceptions towards the use of digital technology in early childhood education: a systematic review

Amanda White

Let me confess … Can a social media page create a sense of belonging?

Lynnette Brice

Bichronous Pedagogy in ODFL : A developing case-study in initial teacher education.

Mark Bassett

‘I don’t know the hierarchy’: : Using UX to position literacy development resources where students expect them

Christopher Bridge

Who wants to be a teaching innovator?

David Harris

IDE vs. Pen-and-Paper Showdown – Performance and Perceptions of Testing First-Year IT Students’ Programming Skills

Victoria Rosin

Labs, Field Trips and Tours during ERT – Insights from a New Zealand Specialist Land-based University

Tristan Cui

Online Social Annotation: Compare Onshore Face-to-face and Offshore English as an Additional Language (EAL) Students in a Hybrid Course

Erika Spray

Evaluating students’ experience of simulation technology in an Australian Initial Teacher Education program

Michelle Pedlow

Partnering to enhance the postgraduate student experience

Matthew Wysel

Frenemies – Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT in Assessments

Haresh Suppiah

All You Need is Love (for Data): Enhancing Practicum Experiences for Sport and Exercise Science Students through Learning Analytics

Kerry Bond

Embracing Reflexivity: Exploring Deeper Partnerships During an Interdisciplinary Technology Focused Research Project

Anne Siri Kvia

Exploring the intersection of digital pedagogies, reflexivity, and culture in religious education

Eduardo Oliveira

University Learning Partnerships: Enhancing Learning, Enabling Innovation and Addressing Challenges in Schools

Leah P. Macfadyen

The “IKEA Model” for Pragmatic Development of a Customizable Learning Analytics Dashboard

Elisa Bone

More than the sum of its parts: reflections on a networked program supporting curriculum innovation at a research-intensive university.

Hai Min Dai

Explaining persistence in online learning: A review study

Dwi Maharrani

Heutagogical-Based ICALL Environment: A Framework to Develop Students’ Capability

Thomas Cochrane

Design-Based Research: Enhancing pedagogical design.

Kay Hammond

Mapping learning microclimates in a large-cohort online course: Seeing the trees in the wood

Cory Dal Ponte

Using Figma to foster authentic digital learning experiences in an online short course

Melody(Pei) Li

Deeper student-teacher partnership in 5 steps: adopting a design thinking approach to foster community building and personal development.

Josiah Koh

A proposal to include M?ori perspectives in AIed

Mohammad Ladha

Finding function in Dysfunction – The Role of a Learning Technologist: A Case Study of Panopto

Khamsum Kinley

Exploring alternative invigilated assessments in higher education: A work in progress

Adelle Ryall

“A Co-Pilot for Learning Design?”: Perspectives from Learning Designers on the Uses, Challenges, and Risks of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

Carmen Vallis

Collaborative sensemaking with generative AI: a muse, amuse, muse: Collaborative sensemaking with generative AI

Kwong Nui Sim

Unpacking Contrary Conceptions of Digital Literacy  Across a Higher Education Landscape

Lynn Gribble

Considering the ‘Chatty one’ as a partner needs careful planning and some up skilling for everyone.

Todd Stretton

Reality check: Insights on critical thinking in health education through mobile mixed reality

Beata Webb

The Holodeck model, learning environments, and resilience in higher education: A multidisciplinary approach.

Paul Trotter

How can EdTech Personalise the Instruction for Tertiary Students Requiring Mathematics Support?

Donna Cleveland

Integrating Sustainability in Higher Education Curricula: A Transformative Approach towards Marketing Education and Brand Social Responsibility

Kate Mitchell

Diverse people, diverse pathways: Exploring a professional development ecosystem for Learning Designers

Jacqui Thornley

Unveiling the chameleon: How can we  successfully collaborate and deepen partnerships in educational design projects

Lisa Bugden

A journey through course development: A case study from Early Childhood Education

Suresh Krishnasamy

Leveraging Technology for Animal Physiology Practicals

Ash Barber

Dismantling the education exclusion zone: Empowering OER authors towards inclusive design

Tracy-Anne De Silva

Manaaki Tauira Course Enhancements Program: Improving outcomes of minority students (a pilot study)

Bopelo Boitshwarelo

Understanding university teachers’ online pedagogies through teaching analytics: what are the possibilities?

Matt Chen

What it takes to affect culture change: Experience from the trenches of a Large-scale Education Transformation Project

Helen Farley

Unlocking Empathy and Preparedness: Enhancing Criminal Justice Education with Virtual Reality

Robert Vanderburg

Students Against Academic Misconduct (SAAM): A case study of how a mobile learning framework can be used to deliver a pedagogy reducing academic integrity issues

Michelle Vanderburg

Using Reflexivity Intervention Design, Digital Literacy, PBL Pedagogies and Drones to Develop Preservice Teachers

Bruna Contro Pretero

Forging the path in the third space: Opportunities and challenges for Learning Designers in Higher Education

Leanne Ngo

Navigating the Future of Professional Learning: Digital Microcredentials in the Australian Context

Dewa Wardak

Business school and museum partnership to change student perceptions on leadership

Alison Casey

Designing adaptive online support for problem-based learning

Rachel Whitsed

Early offer students – how do they fare compared to other cohorts? An analysis of early offer students at a regional university

Dilani Gedera

Experiences of learning and teaching in HyFlex spaces

Emilia Idris

Polytechnic Students’ Perspectives of a Blended Problem-Based Learning Approach in Singapore

Andrew Valentine

Creating a software application to help university educators to reflect on the cognitive complexity of their exam questions, using Bloom’s Taxonomy and automated classification

Edwin Creely

The implications of generative AI for creative composition in higher education and initial teacher education

Anne Carney

Not off to a flying start: rerouting with human-centred design

Matthew White

The missing link in Learning Analytics: A discussion on using assessment data for student-facing dashboards

Ellinor Allen

Prior knowledge as a limiting factor in critical thinking skills development

Kashmira Dave

Beyond Appearances: Unveiling the Hidden Biases in Hiring Academics in Australian Universities

Jesin James

Introducing Indigenous Perspectives on Data Sovereignty in Engineering Education

Maryella Hatfield

Living Labs and Future Narratives

Lisa Hampshire

Developing a digital anatomy lab for rural medical students

Bruce Mitchell

Can gamification improve student engagement and learning? A proposed quasi-experiment

Andrea Fenton

Student perceptions of video feedback: Preliminary Findings

Darrall Thompson

Graduate attributes in action: how a university meta-model has been transferred to a high school context with implications for business settings

Lynnette Brice

Bichronous Pedagogy – A Developing Case Study in Initial Teacher Education

Yu Cui

Supporting peer tutoring with graphical organisers and knowledge maps

Irene Xi

Exploring Social Media Use for Healthcare Professionals

Sadia Nawaz

Question Dosage in MOOCs – An Empirical Investigation

Heath Henwood

Mentoring of Female and Minority Leaders in Higher Educational Settings


Nazmun Ratna

Defining a new learning ecosystem for multilingual learners: A case study on ‘reimagining’ development economics

Youhasan Punithalingam

The Flipped Classroom Navigator©: A Web-based Tool for Promoting Blended Learning

Aslihan Mccarthy

Adopting Self-Directed Learning Principles in Clinical Education with Pebblepad

Andrew Komoder

Up-skilling learners through story-telling: Introducing the Learning Wave

Mariana E.


Breaking Boundaries: Exploring the Metaverse for Innovative Education

James Goulding

Awarding Digital Badges instead of Grades? Research and Reflections from an Undergraduate Initial Teacher Education Course.

Louise Luff

Excel – a new way to join the dots

Dominique Parrish

Nurses’ and midwives’ perceptions and preferences for lifelong learning

Kavya Raj

Embracing the intersection of pedagogy and technology: A digital mindfulness approach for addressing Problematic Use of the Internet among tertiary students.

Susan Tull

There has to be a better way

Ksenia Zavyalova

“New stage, new reality, new role”: teachers and the practice of video content creation on YouTube

Clare Thorpe

Reconceptualizing the curation of prescribed learning resources in an immersive block teaching model

Marion Blumenstein

Technology-enhanced self and peer assessment to support student agency during group projects

Peter Linford

Pedagogically Driven Digital Education for Diverse People and Deeper Partnerships

Rachel Lowe

A shared reflection process: Harnessing identity, sustainability and innovation for learning design : Pecha Kucha

Rachel Spronken-Smith

Embracing partnerships – human and AI – in digital course on career readiness

Edward Palmer

Findings from a survey looking at attitudes towards AI and its use in teaching, learning and research.

Taylor Kim

Supporting students and educators in using generative artificial intelligence

Boyd Britton

Digital facelift: emerging tools and typologies for educational media

Michael Henderson

Understanding the temptation to cheat in online exams

Nguyen Bui

Harnessing H5P for Asynchronous Active Learning

Stephen Grono

Building a Digital Education Library: Empowering Agency in Staff Professional Development and Collaboration

Donna Cleveland

Collaborative Pathways Collaborative Pathways: Empowering Blended Learning and Advancing Future-Focused Education

Anureet Kaur Bali

Implementing and scaling authentic assessment through a pedagogical technology partnership

Sasha Stubbs

Co-Creating the Future: A Learning Design Team’s Journey Fostering Institutional Change & Partnerships

Mais Fatayer

Developing learning activities and authentic assessments through open educational practices

Rachael Adlington

Online learning and language: Making evaluative language choices to build relationships and improve engagement

Carmen Weaver

It’s the Vibe – Course Environment and the Intersection of Environmental Psychology and Learner Experience Design


Polly Lai

Investigating Learning Designers’ Perceptions of student cognitive engagement in online learning

Heejin Chang

An Open Educational Resource to teach language and culture

Joan Sutherland

Orchestrating Effective Digital Collaboration

Richard Davies

Building a new online platform, from Conception to Birth – An Instructional Designer’s Perspective on changing approaches of online learning at a tertiary institution

Ari Pinar

Generating Personalised Profiles of Student Engagement to Predict Student Performance and Support Student Learning using LMS Data

Stephanie Schweiker

Enhancing Chemistry Education through Technology-Enhanced Learning: Impact on Student Outcomes: Enhancing Chemistry Education

Stephan Levonis

Multimodal Teaching via Gamified Practical Activities: The Virtual Scientist Software: Bridging the Gap in Science Education

Natasha Arthars

Forging Ahead with Forage: Authentic Assessments in Tertiary Education Amidst AI Evolution

Mark Carandang

Unleashing the power of gen-AI for digital education development

John Davies

Leveraging Agile and Waterfall Project Management Approaches in Educational Design

Cameron Hooson-Smith

Evaluating programme-wide course redevelopment within a learning management system

Antoinette Gwasira

Learning design principles that cultivate future-oriented students

Angela Stoddard

Developing a good practice guide for group work that transcends disciplines

Meredith Hinze

Re-imagining women’s leadership in the third-space

Shamim Joarder

Learning Analytics with iLearn Insights

Dimanthinie De Silva

Conceptualising the Enhancement of Professional Skills and Competencies in Information Technology Students in Higher Education


Bridget Tombleson

Building a model for transmedia learning: engaging  work integrated learning students

Monika Byrne

Empathic communication training in healthcare using Virtual Patients

Colin Simpson

Factors impacting the ability of ‘EdAdvisors’ to support and enhance technology-enhanced learning and teaching in Australian Higher Education

Tim Gander

Collaborative Synchronous Coaching to support triadic collaboration and bridge the theory-practice divide in initial teacher education

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ASCLITE is hosted by the University of Canterbury and the Digital Education Futures Lab.

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