Accepted Papers

Accepted Papers
David Dannenberg |
Lincoln Connected : A Case Study |
Frederic Fovet |
Documenting and analyzing the relevance of Universal Design for Learning in developing inclusive provisions for culturally diverse learners in online pedagogy |
Chee Ling Thong |
Understanding the Impact of ChatGPT in Education: Exploratory Study on Students’ Attitudes, Perception and Ethics |
Niharika Singh |
Examining students’ behavioural engagement in lecture videos with and without embedded quizzes in an online course. |
Naomi Nirupa David |
Peopling Technologies educational model: Philosophy, pedagogy, and evaluative framework |
Duncan Murray |
Exploring Business Students views of the use of generative AI in assignment writing: : An examination of generative AI use through students’ own ethical perspectives |
Shannon Rios |
AI-powered peer review process: An approach to enhance computer science students’ engagement with code review in industry-based subjects |
Nhung Nguyen |
Collaborative approach in the programme design and development – A case study in a Postgraduate Certificate in Computer and Information Sciences |
Jo-Anne Clark |
Enhancing Higher Education with Learning Analytics in the digital age |
Sandy Barker |
Unlocking Student Success: Harnessing the Power of Simulation-Based Learning in Business Education |
Dawn Gilmore |
Qualifications, Interpersonal Skills, and Career Pathways: Building a Competency-Based Tool for the Recruitment and Career Development of Learning Designers |
Stephanie Wilson |
Active and Online: Three Case Studies of Learner Engagement |
John Y. H. Bai |
Future prospects of artificial intelligence in education: Developing strategic scenarios to engage educators |
Maryam Sharifkhani |
Sustainable Practices in Education: Virtual Labs |
Yu Zhang |
Authorship Verification in Software Engineering Education: Forget ChatGPT and Focus on Students’ Academic Writing Profiles |
Pennie White |
Supporting hybrid engagement through digital learning design |
Muhammad Hasibuan |
Role of Theory in Analysing the Dynamic of Self-regulated Learning Process Based on Students’ Event Logs Data: A Scoping Review |
Stephen Abblitt |
How to Build a Learning Designer: Co-Designing a Training Program for/with/as Novice Learning Designers |
Ana Hibert |
Dialogic feedback in online teaching: implications for teacher education |
Lalitha Jonnavithula |
Mentoring as Complementary Support for Learner Engagement: Student Perspectives on Onboarding Interventions |
Kathryn MacCallum |
Identifying the Components of Foundational Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy – Early Results from a Delphi Study |
Miguel Canizares |
Towards meaning-making with interactive visualisations |
Himasha Gunasekara |
Promoting teacherpreneurship in creative education through Instagram. |
Linda Corrin |
Unveiling the potential of Digital Twin technology for Higher Education |
Ruowei Chen |
Parental perceptions towards the use of digital technology in early childhood education: a systematic review |
Amanda White |
Let me confess … Can a social media page create a sense of belonging? |
Lynnette Brice |
Bichronous Pedagogy in ODFL : A developing case-study in initial teacher education. |
Mark Bassett |
‘I don’t know the hierarchy’: : Using UX to position literacy development resources where students expect them |
Christopher Bridge |
Who wants to be a teaching innovator? |
David Harris |
IDE vs. Pen-and-Paper Showdown – Performance and Perceptions of Testing First-Year IT Students’ Programming Skills |
Victoria Rosin |
Labs, Field Trips and Tours during ERT – Insights from a New Zealand Specialist Land-based University |
Tristan Cui |
Online Social Annotation: Compare Onshore Face-to-face and Offshore English as an Additional Language (EAL) Students in a Hybrid Course |
Erika Spray |
Evaluating students’ experience of simulation technology in an Australian Initial Teacher Education program |
Michelle Pedlow |
Partnering to enhance the postgraduate student experience |
Matthew Wysel |
Frenemies – Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT in Assessments |
Haresh Suppiah |
All You Need is Love (for Data): Enhancing Practicum Experiences for Sport and Exercise Science Students through Learning Analytics |
Kerry Bond |
Embracing Reflexivity: Exploring Deeper Partnerships During an Interdisciplinary Technology Focused Research Project |
Anne Siri Kvia |
Exploring the intersection of digital pedagogies, reflexivity, and culture in religious education |
Eduardo Oliveira |
University Learning Partnerships: Enhancing Learning, Enabling Innovation and Addressing Challenges in Schools |
Leah P. Macfadyen |
The “IKEA Model” for Pragmatic Development of a Customizable Learning Analytics Dashboard |
Elisa Bone |
More than the sum of its parts: reflections on a networked program supporting curriculum innovation at a research-intensive university. |
Hai Min Dai |
Explaining persistence in online learning: A review study |
Dwi Maharrani |
Heutagogical-Based ICALL Environment: A Framework to Develop Students’ Capability |
Thomas Cochrane |
Design-Based Research: Enhancing pedagogical design. |
Kay Hammond |
Mapping learning microclimates in a large-cohort online course: Seeing the trees in the wood |
Cory Dal Ponte |
Using Figma to foster authentic digital learning experiences in an online short course |
Melody(Pei) Li |
Deeper student-teacher partnership in 5 steps: adopting a design thinking approach to foster community building and personal development. |
Josiah Koh |
A proposal to include M?ori perspectives in AIed |
Mohammad Ladha |
Finding function in Dysfunction – The Role of a Learning Technologist: A Case Study of Panopto |
Khamsum Kinley |
Exploring alternative invigilated assessments in higher education: A work in progress |
Adelle Ryall |
“A Co-Pilot for Learning Design?”: Perspectives from Learning Designers on the Uses, Challenges, and Risks of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education |
Carmen Vallis |
Collaborative sensemaking with generative AI: a muse, amuse, muse: Collaborative sensemaking with generative AI |
Kwong Nui Sim |
Unpacking Contrary Conceptions of Digital Literacy Across a Higher Education Landscape |
Lynn Gribble |
Considering the ‘Chatty one’ as a partner needs careful planning and some up skilling for everyone. |
Todd Stretton |
Reality check: Insights on critical thinking in health education through mobile mixed reality |
Beata Webb |
The Holodeck model, learning environments, and resilience in higher education: A multidisciplinary approach. |
Paul Trotter |
How can EdTech Personalise the Instruction for Tertiary Students Requiring Mathematics Support? |
Donna Cleveland |
Integrating Sustainability in Higher Education Curricula: A Transformative Approach towards Marketing Education and Brand Social Responsibility |
Kate Mitchell |
Diverse people, diverse pathways: Exploring a professional development ecosystem for Learning Designers |
Jacqui Thornley |
Unveiling the chameleon: How can we successfully collaborate and deepen partnerships in educational design projects |
Lisa Bugden |
A journey through course development: A case study from Early Childhood Education |
Suresh Krishnasamy |
Leveraging Technology for Animal Physiology Practicals |
Ash Barber |
Dismantling the education exclusion zone: Empowering OER authors towards inclusive design |
Tracy-Anne De Silva |
Manaaki Tauira Course Enhancements Program: Improving outcomes of minority students (a pilot study) |
Bopelo Boitshwarelo |
Understanding university teachers’ online pedagogies through teaching analytics: what are the possibilities? |
Matt Chen |
What it takes to affect culture change: Experience from the trenches of a Large-scale Education Transformation Project |
Helen Farley |
Unlocking Empathy and Preparedness: Enhancing Criminal Justice Education with Virtual Reality |
Robert Vanderburg |
Students Against Academic Misconduct (SAAM): A case study of how a mobile learning framework can be used to deliver a pedagogy reducing academic integrity issues |
Michelle Vanderburg |
Using Reflexivity Intervention Design, Digital Literacy, PBL Pedagogies and Drones to Develop Preservice Teachers |
Bruna Contro Pretero |
Forging the path in the third space: Opportunities and challenges for Learning Designers in Higher Education |
Leanne Ngo |
Navigating the Future of Professional Learning: Digital Microcredentials in the Australian Context |
Dewa Wardak |
Business school and museum partnership to change student perceptions on leadership |
Alison Casey |
Designing adaptive online support for problem-based learning |
Rachel Whitsed |
Early offer students – how do they fare compared to other cohorts? An analysis of early offer students at a regional university |
Dilani Gedera |
Experiences of learning and teaching in HyFlex spaces |
Emilia Idris |
Polytechnic Students’ Perspectives of a Blended Problem-Based Learning Approach in Singapore |
Andrew Valentine |
Creating a software application to help university educators to reflect on the cognitive complexity of their exam questions, using Bloom’s Taxonomy and automated classification |
Edwin Creely |
The implications of generative AI for creative composition in higher education and initial teacher education |
Anne Carney |
Not off to a flying start: rerouting with human-centred design |
Matthew White |
The missing link in Learning Analytics: A discussion on using assessment data for student-facing dashboards |
Ellinor Allen |
Prior knowledge as a limiting factor in critical thinking skills development |
Kashmira Dave |
Beyond Appearances: Unveiling the Hidden Biases in Hiring Academics in Australian Universities |
Jesin James |
Introducing Indigenous Perspectives on Data Sovereignty in Engineering Education |
Maryella Hatfield |
Living Labs and Future Narratives |
Lisa Hampshire |
Developing a digital anatomy lab for rural medical students |
Bruce Mitchell |
Can gamification improve student engagement and learning? A proposed quasi-experiment |
Andrea Fenton |
Student perceptions of video feedback: Preliminary Findings |
Darrall Thompson |
Graduate attributes in action: how a university meta-model has been transferred to a high school context with implications for business settings |
Lynnette Brice |
Bichronous Pedagogy – A Developing Case Study in Initial Teacher Education |
Yu Cui |
Supporting peer tutoring with graphical organisers and knowledge maps |
Irene Xi |
Exploring Social Media Use for Healthcare Professionals |
Sadia Nawaz |
Question Dosage in MOOCs – An Empirical Investigation |
Heath Henwood |
Mentoring of Female and Minority Leaders in Higher Educational Settings |
Nazmun Ratna |
Defining a new learning ecosystem for multilingual learners: A case study on ‘reimagining’ development economics |
Youhasan Punithalingam |
The Flipped Classroom Navigator©: A Web-based Tool for Promoting Blended Learning |
Aslihan Mccarthy |
Adopting Self-Directed Learning Principles in Clinical Education with Pebblepad |
Andrew Komoder |
Up-skilling learners through story-telling: Introducing the Learning Wave |
Mariana E. Elizondo-García |
Breaking Boundaries: Exploring the Metaverse for Innovative Education |
James Goulding |
Awarding Digital Badges instead of Grades? Research and Reflections from an Undergraduate Initial Teacher Education Course. |
Louise Luff |
Excel – a new way to join the dots |
Dominique Parrish |
Nurses’ and midwives’ perceptions and preferences for lifelong learning |
Kavya Raj |
Embracing the intersection of pedagogy and technology: A digital mindfulness approach for addressing Problematic Use of the Internet among tertiary students. |
Susan Tull |
There has to be a better way |
Ksenia Zavyalova |
“New stage, new reality, new role”: teachers and the practice of video content creation on YouTube |
Clare Thorpe |
Reconceptualizing the curation of prescribed learning resources in an immersive block teaching model |
Marion Blumenstein |
Technology-enhanced self and peer assessment to support student agency during group projects |
Peter Linford |
Pedagogically Driven Digital Education for Diverse People and Deeper Partnerships |
Rachel Lowe |
A shared reflection process: Harnessing identity, sustainability and innovation for learning design : Pecha Kucha |
Rachel Spronken-Smith |
Embracing partnerships – human and AI – in digital course on career readiness |
Edward Palmer |
Findings from a survey looking at attitudes towards AI and its use in teaching, learning and research. |
Taylor Kim |
Supporting students and educators in using generative artificial intelligence |
Boyd Britton |
Digital facelift: emerging tools and typologies for educational media |
Michael Henderson |
Understanding the temptation to cheat in online exams |
Nguyen Bui |
Harnessing H5P for Asynchronous Active Learning |
Stephen Grono |
Building a Digital Education Library: Empowering Agency in Staff Professional Development and Collaboration |
Donna Cleveland |
Collaborative Pathways Collaborative Pathways: Empowering Blended Learning and Advancing Future-Focused Education |
Anureet Kaur Bali |
Implementing and scaling authentic assessment through a pedagogical technology partnership |
Sasha Stubbs |
Co-Creating the Future: A Learning Design Team’s Journey Fostering Institutional Change & Partnerships |
Mais Fatayer |
Developing learning activities and authentic assessments through open educational practices |
Rachael Adlington |
Online learning and language: Making evaluative language choices to build relationships and improve engagement |
Carmen Weaver |
It’s the Vibe – Course Environment and the Intersection of Environmental Psychology and Learner Experience Design |
Polly Lai |
Investigating Learning Designers’ Perceptions of student cognitive engagement in online learning |
Heejin Chang |
An Open Educational Resource to teach language and culture |
Joan Sutherland |
Orchestrating Effective Digital Collaboration |
Richard Davies |
Building a new online platform, from Conception to Birth – An Instructional Designer’s Perspective on changing approaches of online learning at a tertiary institution |
Ari Pinar |
Generating Personalised Profiles of Student Engagement to Predict Student Performance and Support Student Learning using LMS Data |
Stephanie Schweiker |
Enhancing Chemistry Education through Technology-Enhanced Learning: Impact on Student Outcomes: Enhancing Chemistry Education |
Stephan Levonis |
Multimodal Teaching via Gamified Practical Activities: The Virtual Scientist Software: Bridging the Gap in Science Education |
Natasha Arthars |
Forging Ahead with Forage: Authentic Assessments in Tertiary Education Amidst AI Evolution |
Mark Carandang |
Unleashing the power of gen-AI for digital education development |
John Davies |
Leveraging Agile and Waterfall Project Management Approaches in Educational Design |
Cameron Hooson-Smith |
Evaluating programme-wide course redevelopment within a learning management system |
Antoinette Gwasira |
Learning design principles that cultivate future-oriented students |
Angela Stoddard |
Developing a good practice guide for group work that transcends disciplines |
Meredith Hinze |
Re-imagining women’s leadership in the third-space |
Shamim Joarder |
Learning Analytics with iLearn Insights |
Dimanthinie De Silva |
Conceptualising the Enhancement of Professional Skills and Competencies in Information Technology Students in Higher Education |
Bridget Tombleson |
Building a model for transmedia learning: engaging work integrated learning students |
Monika Byrne |
Empathic communication training in healthcare using Virtual Patients |
Colin Simpson |
Factors impacting the ability of ‘EdAdvisors’ to support and enhance technology-enhanced learning and teaching in Australian Higher Education |
Tim Gander |
Collaborative Synchronous Coaching to support triadic collaboration and bridge the theory-practice divide in initial teacher education |
About Us
ASCLITE is hosted by the University of Canterbury and the Digital Education Futures Lab.