Call for papers
People, partnerships and pedagogies
This year’s theme focuses on the diversity of people, creating deeper partnerships and the complexities of digital education.
April 2023
1st April - Call for Papers opens
1st April - Call for Reviewers opens
July 2023
2nd July - Call for Workshops (CLOSED)
2nd July - Call for Reviewers (CLOSED)
17th July - Call for Papers (CLOSED)
31st July - Call for Doctoral Symposium STILL OPEN
July - Registrations open
September 2023
Mid-September - Review outcomes released
Most people have been notified of their review outcomes. The outstanding will be completed at the end of the month. Please check the system if you have not heard and contact us if you have questions.
October 2023
23 October - Early Bird Registration closes
December 2023
2 December - Virtual registrations close
3 December - Pre-conference workshops
4-6 December - ASCILITE 2023 Conference
Full papers
Full papers may feature the following:
- Significant theoretical reviews;
- Reports on medium to large scale research, evaluations, developments or project;
- Research studies in areas of innovative educational practice, or case studies;
- Rationale – forum for discussion of key directions in research informed practice.
Presentation format
- 20-minute presentation plus a 5-minute Q&A (then 5 minutes enabling a changeover for rooms).
Submission format
- 10 pages maximum (including APA references) developed on the full paper submission template which is author de-identified.
Review Criteria
Double blind peer review based on the following criteria:
- Relevance to conference theme, sub-themes and intended audience;
- The paper is original, and clearly identifies broad and insightful implications for theory and/or policy and/or practice;
- Clearly situated in current literature and/or policy with well-articulated conceptual or theoretical framework and related research questions that address a novel issue(s);
- Adopts an appropriate research methodology for the purpose of the paper;
- Insightful critical analysis and interpretation that leads to clear, logical findings, conclusions and implications for theory and/or policy and/or practice;
- Relevance to conference theme, sub-themes and intended audience;
- Ease of reading, grammar, spelling, format, and referencing details.
Concise papers
Concise papers may feature the following:
- provide a forum for discussion of key directions in research informed practice;
- the presentation of works in progress;
- reports on specialised topics;
- position papers;
- pilot studies; or
- brief reports on innovative practice in technology supported teaching and learning.
As a general guide, a concise paper might include background information, a description of the work undertaken, results achieved and discussion or conclusions.
Presentation format
- 12-minute presentation plus 3-minute Q&A (then 5 minutes enabling a changeover for rooms).
Submission format
- 5 pages maximum (including APA referencing) developed on the concise paper submission template which is author de-identified
Review Criteria
Double blind peer review based on the following criteria:
- Relevance to conference theme, sub-themes and intended audience;
- The paper is original, and clearly identifies broad and insightful implications for theory and/or policy and/or practice;
- Clearly situated in current literature and/or policy with well-articulated conceptual or theoretical framework and related research questions that address a novel issue(s);
- Adopts an appropriate research methodology for the purpose of the paper;
- Insightful critical analysis and interpretation that leads to clear, logical findings, conclusions and implications for theory and/or policy and/or practice;
- Relevance to conference theme, sub-themes and intended audience;
- Ease of reading, grammar, spelling, format, and referencing details.
Digital Posters
Posters are an opportunity to visually share and showcase projects and development initiatives and discuss these with conference delegates.
Presentation format
- Posters can be shared in a printed and/or digital format, as pre-determined by COC.
- For printed posters:
- A0 or A1 size;
- and may include AR elements and or QR codes.
- For digital format:
- Full poster needs to be able to be viewed on one screen;
- A maximum of 6 slides to zoom in on sections.
Submission format
- 500 words not including references, using the ASCILITE paper template
Review criteria
Double blind peer review for Posters are based on the following criteria:
- Relevance to advancing TEL research and practice;
- Showcasing exemplary innovation of practice;
- Has a theoretical underpinning;
- Applicability to diverse tertiary practice;
- Coherent and logically structured.
Panel/Symposia/Debates provide an interactive platform to:
- challenge or defend a position, theory, model or concept;
- identify areas of dispute;
- offer alternative interpretations of well-known studies and findings;
- bring together experts or impassioned colleagues to explore a topic while involving the audience;
- typically involves a panel of presenters in discussion or debate of a topical issue.
Presentation format
- a 55-minute presentation including Q&A (then 5 minutes enabling a changeover for rooms).
Submission format
- 2 pages maximum (including APA referencing) using the supplied template
Review criteria
Submsission will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
- Presents on a contemporary topic relevant to the conference theme and streams;
- Presents different perspectives of the chosen theme;
- poses questions and/or raises points for participants to debate; and
- with the contributions from the delegates, extends an aspect of knowledge or that new ways of understanding may emerge.
Extended Abstracts – Pecha Kucha
Extended Abstracts are an opportunity to share and showcase innovative Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) practice through a Pecha Kucha presentation. Extended Abstracts may feature practice-based examples such as scholarly practice, learning innovations, professional development innovations, outcomes of communities of practice, etc.
Abstract format
- 500 words not including references, using ASCILITE paper template.
Presentation format
- 20 slides or images, 20 seconds each, auto advanced, See for more details;
- 7 min presentations with 1 min changeover, with Q&A for 5 min following 3 presentations;
- Each session will run for 1 hr, incorporating 2 groups of 3 Pecha Kucha presentations.
Review criteria
Blind peer review for Extended Abstracts- Pecha Kucha based on the following criteria:
- Relevance to advancing TEL research and practice;
- Showcasing exemplary innovation of practice;
- Has a theoretical underpinning;
- Applicability to diverse tertiary practice;
- Coherent and logically structured.
There are three types of workshops – pre, post and during the conference. Pre and post are the same format. Workshops constitute the conference’s most direct contribution towards professional development in educational technology and related topics. Workshops enable participants to work with experts in specific areas to acquire knowledge, enhance skills and develop broader perspectives. These are not research presentations.
Submission Format
- 1,500 words maximum (about three pages) see submission template.
Presentation Format
- Enable detailed discussion and interactive consideration of substantial topics and issues.
Review Criteria
- Adhering to conference themes;
- Number of workshop places available in program;
- The outcomes of reviews for workshops should be returned to the presenters at the same time as full and concise papers are provided to authors.